Book Review: Cradle and All by James Patterson

Cradle and All
Author: James Patterson 
Publisher: Penguin Random House
Pages: 309 pages
R.R.P: $19.99
In Boston, a young woman finds herself pregnant- even though she is still a virgin.

In Ireland, another young woman discovers she is in the Sam impossible condition.

And in cities all around the world, medical authorities are overwhelmed by epidemics, droughts, famines, floods and worse. It all feels like a sign that something awful is coming.

Anne Fitzgerald, a former nun turned private investigator, is hired by the Archdiocese of Boston to investigate the immaculate conceptions. Even as she comes to care about and trust the young women, she realised that both are in great danger. Terrifying forces of light and darkness are gathering. Stepping into uncharted territory where the unknown is just the beginning, Anne must discover the truth- to save the youn women, to save herself, and to protect the future of all mankind.

My review
Thoughts on the book:  Cradle and All is a YA mystery where two girls are found to both be pregnant virgins and it is believed by the church that one carries the child of God while the other carries the child Of the devil. It's up to ex nun turned private investigator, Anne and her fellow team appointed by the church to figure out which girl carries which child. Both girls seem so alike and are so caring that it is making it very hard to figure out which girl carries which child. Will the investigation team be able to find out which girl has the child sired by the devil before it's too late?

Cradle and All is like the Da Vinci Code for young adults with its bases being the church is trying to stop something terrible from happening and have sent their best investigators to investigate and make sure the world is saved. The main character Anne Fitzgerald is like Professor Langdon, Father Justin O'Carroll is like Sophie Neveu and Father Nicholas Rosetti is like Sir Leigh Teabing. It really is a truly fascinating book and one that I believe will make my top 20 books of 2017 (I seem to be reading some amazing books this year already and I've only read five so far). I was up until the early hours of the morning ready this (which isn't very good when you have a teething 9 month old) because I just wanted to know which child belonged to which mother. I have to say I had my suspicions throughout the book of which child belonged to which but I never would have guessed the ending at all. It truly threw me though which made Cradle and All that much more intriguing. 

I did however have a little issue which has caused me to give the book a 4/5 rating (I'm trying to be a bit harder on my ratings as I seemed to give out a lot of 5/5 ratings last year). I found at the start of the book that I got confused as Cradle and All is told from many different POVs and I got mixed up with some of the male characters voices, mainly Father Justin O'Carroll and Father Nicholas Rosetti. This may however have been because I wasn't concentrating enough it I don't think it was because of that. 

Rating: 4/5
